
Friday, April 3, 2015

April Goals...

Working on lots of projects around these parts. Now that I'm no longer babysitting my friend's daughter daily, I have a lot more free time on my hands. Less time in the car (YAY!) equals more time to occupy myself. I hope to take full advantage of this time and finish up some long awaited projects.

On the to dos:
  • Finish bar cart shelves
    • attach trim, fill holes, stain
    • attach brackets and wine glass holders
    • hang on wall!!
  • Follow weekly cleaning schedule
  • Organize craft desk & shelf
    • fabric
    • paper
    • ESC
    • planner supplies
      • buy ikea cart??
      • buy new office chair
      • Drill cord hole in desk top
  • Reorganize Garage
    • move tool cabinet
    • move pet supplies
    • build ikea cabinet
    • breakdown boxes
    • breakdown pallets
  • Pallet photo board for friends new baby
  • Clean out 2nd spare room closet
  • Remove towel bars (Those HATED towel bars)
    • Remove from wall
    • patch holes in wall
    • spackle, sand and texture spray
    • paint - new colors?
  • Research patio enclosure companies - ask neighbor?

Monday, March 16, 2015

21 Day Fix Week 3 Meal Plan & Recap...

This week started off. After my procedure last Sunday, I knew I'd be modifying my workouts for a day or so, but I didn't think it would affect my eating all that much. Well, I was in greater discomfort for longer than I expected and it certainly did alter how I craved food and how I wanted to eat. I simply wanted comforting foods I wanted warming foods (actual warm food and carbs, carbs, carbs) Hubby did well maintaining his routine with lunch salads. I sort of grazed, and ate sandwiches and soups all week. I've included HIS meals and snacks below. My week was pretty much just not on par.

I had a second procedure on Friday and it threw us off as well. I have to say once we started on the down-path it was hard to turn it around. We are determined to begin again today Monday 3/16 and make it a better week. It will be the beginning of our "round 2" of the 21 Day Fix, but since we didn't really give it our all (due to some medical things) we're both determined to make this one count.

We started weigh-ins and measurements on February 28 and we do have some numbers to share. I'll put those at the end.

Monday 3/9/15
üüüü   üü ü   üüüü  üüü    ü ü    üü üü

B: Oatmeal w/Berries & Nuts Egg muffin w/egg & 2 slices bacon
S: Protein shake w/coconut water
L: Mason jar salad w/turkey
S: 2HB eggs, grapefruit
D: Mahi with rice & broccoli
S: Apple & PB
W/O: Total Body Cardio

Tuesday 3/10/15
üüüü   üü ü   üüüü  üüü    ü ü    üü

B: Egg muffin w/egg & 2 slices bacon
S: Protein Shake w/coconut water & froz berries
L: Mason jar salad w/chicken
S: beef jerkey & fruit
D: Chicken fajitas w/lettuce & salsa, cheese, 2 tortillas
S: Fruit & nut Mix
W/O: Upper Mix

Wednesday 3/11/15
üüüü   üü ü   üüüü  üüü    ü ü    üü ü

B: Yogurt w/granola & fruit
S: 2 HB eggs w/fruit, cheese stick
L: Mason Jar Salad w/turkey & quinoa
S: Protein shake w/coconut water
D: Beef & Veggie Soup
S: Apple & PB
W/O: Lower Fix

Thursday 3/12/15
üüüü   üü    üüüü  üüü    ü     üü üü

B: Carrot Hash w/poached egg, grapefruit
S: Protein Shake w/coconut water
L: Mason jar salad w/turkey
D: Dinner at Downtown Disney! Steak w/rice, black beans, fried plantains. (we both had pretty similar meals)
W/O: Lower Fix
üü üü

Friday 3/13/15

B: Oatmeal w/fruit
S: N/A
L: McDonald’s
S: 2 HB eggs w/fruit
S: Apple & PB
W/O: Pilates Fix

Saturday 3/14/15

B: N/A
S: N/A
L: Wings & fries
S: N/A
D: Pizza
W/O: Dirty 30 – I didn’t work out today.


Sunday: 3/15/15

B: None
S: None
L: Turkey & Swiss Sandwich, fruit salad, lemonade (At ESC function)
D: Shepherd’s Pie
W/O: Yoga --  I didn’t work out today.
A: Weight: - 1.8 lbs
     Inches: - 2.25" total
J: Weight: +1.2 lbs
     Inches: -2.75" total

Well, the numbers are surprising since we've been on again/off again with following the meal plan and workout schedule. I'll take it!!

Glad to see some movement in the measurements and scale, here's hoping that this "round 2" will be the round to kickstart the downward movement in both inches and pounds!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

21 Day Fix Week 2 Meal Plan and Recap...

Hubby and I were both feeling great this week. We both had more energy, better moods and felt on top of our game. The workouts were getting easier, and even though DH had to work late a few nights, he got up early (I didn't) and got that sweat sesh in. Proud of him. We have been undergoing some heavy things in our journey to parenting and that has played a big role in the way we plan our days, food intakes and workouts. So, there were some extras on my part (which is reflected in the mods/extras line.) Hubs did not indulge in these extras until the weekend. I feel badly that he sort of fell of the wagon during the weekend because of something I was going through. But I can safely say, we are back on track and feeling great. So week 2 was a success, no matter the tiny bit we strayed.

Monday 3/2/15
   üü ü   üüüü  üüü    ü ü    üü üü

B: Egg scramble w/peppers, carrots, & kale, ½ banana
S: Protein shake w/coconut water
L: Mason jar salad w/turkey & quinoa
S: 2HB eggs, grapefruit, cheese stick
D: Chicken breast w/noodles & tomato sauce, vegetables
S: Apple & PB
W/O: Total Body Cardio

Tuesday 3/3/15
üüüü   üü ü   üüüü  üüü    ü ü    üü

B: Oatmeal Bake w/Berries & Nuts
S: Protein Shake w/coconut water & froz berries
L: Mason Jar Salad with turkey & quinoa
S: beef jerkey & fruit,
D: Beef Stroganoff w/noodles
S: Fruit & nut Mix
W/O: Upper Mix

Wednesday 3/4/15
üüüü   üü ü   üüüü  üüü    ü ü    üü ü

B: Yogurt w/granola & fruit
S: 2 HB eggs w/fruit, cheese stick
L: Mason Jar Salad w/turkey & quinoa
S: Protein shake w/coconut water
D: Shrimp stir-fry, rice, broccoli, & veg
S: Apple & PB
W/O: Lower Fix

Thursday 3/5/15
üüüü   üü ü   üüüü  üüü    ü ü    üü üü

B: Yogurt w/granola & fruit
S: 2 HB eggs w/fruit, cheese stick
L: Mason Jar Salad w/turkey & quinoa
S: Protein shake w/coconut water
D: Shrimp stir-fry, rice, broccoli, & veg
S: Apple & PB
W/O: Lower Fix

Friday 3/6/15
üüüü   üü ü   üüüü  üüü    ü ü    üü

B: Waffle w/berries, 1 egg, 2slices bacon
S: Protein shake w/coconut water
L: Mason Jar Sala w/turkey & quinoa
S: 2 HB eggs w/fruit & cheese stick
D: Sausages w/peppers, onion, noodles & veggies
S: Apple & PB
W/O: Pilates Fix

Saturday 3/7/15
üüüü   üü ü   üüüü  üüü    ü ü    üü ü

B: Quinoa Egg bowl w/veg (eating out)
S: Protein shake w/coconut water & froz. fruit
L: Bacon Cheeseburger w/French Fries, side salad & dressing (eating out)
S: beef jerky w/fruit
D: Roast chicken w/potatoes & Veggies
S: Protein Bar w/snap pea crisps & fruit
W/O: Dirty 30 – I didn’t work out today. I will explain why soon.

Mods/Extras: üüü

Sunday: 3/8/15
üüüü   üü ü   üüüü  üüü    ü ü    üü üü

B: J: None // A: HB egg & orange
S: J: None //A: None
L: J: Chicken w/ macaroni & cheese  //A: Chicken wings, mac and cheese
S: Protein shake w/coconut water, yogurt, kale, ½ banana & frozen fruit
D: Chinese Food (eating out!!)
S: Chicken broth, snap pea crisps, beef jerky
W/O: Yoga --  I didn’t work out today. I will explain why soon.
üüüüü I had a medical procedure done today, and I couldn’t eat prior to.  Our food choices today weren’t the best, but I was encouraged to increase my salt and protein intake in conjunction with the procedure I had. Which I will explain soon.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

21 Day Fix Week 1 Meal Plan and Recap

So, it's Sunday afternoon and while we haven't finished out the workouts or the meals for today, I think I can safely post a recap to the newest endeavor in the H household.

21 Day Fix. Check this out for some more information regarding the program. I don't want to get into a commercial of the meal plan and the workouts and what it can do for you. Needless to say the hubby and I have decided that we need to make a change to what we do day in and day out. So, we've jumped on the bandwagon again (tried this about a year ago...but the hubster was not on board) and we're committed to seeing this through.

This will be a documentation of what our personal journey the next three weeks will look like and a documentation of our starting points and what progress we make.

We both worked the equation provided in the booklet to determine our caloric goal for the day. We both landed in the 1500-1799 daily calorie zone. That gives us each 4 green containers üüüü(vegetable), 3 purple containers üüü (fruit), 4 red containers üü üü (protein), 3 yellow containers üü ü (starch/carbs), 1 blue ü (healthy fats, nuts, cheese), 1 orange ü (seeds, dressings), and 4 teaspoons/gray üü üü (nut butters, oils) per day. 
The key to making this program work is to plan ahead, prepare your food before it's time to eat and be ready for any curveballs life throws your way.

This was our meal and workout plan this week.

Monday 2/23/15
Tally: üü   üü ü   üü ü  
ü     ü    üü ü
B: Protein Shake
S: Granola Bar
L: Pepperoni Pizza
S: Nada
D: Shrimp with linguini, asparagus and tomatoes, cheddar bay biscuit
S: Cheerios w/milk
W/O: Total Body Cardio Fix
Mods: Monday was the day we officially decided to do the program, and it's typically my grocery day. So, things were a bit thrown together. Leftover pizza for lunch, etc.  The workout for me was tough. It's honestly one of the reasons I didn't follow through with the program last time. For whatever reason, Total Body Cardio Fix KILLS me. My heart rate gets too high, I start to feel nauseous and last year, I actually got sick following the first 2 rounds. I followed Kat, who shows the modified moves and made some additional modifications myself. I got nauseous but I kept going and I finished.
Tuesday 2/24/15
Tally: üüüü   üü ü   üü üü  
üüü    ü     üü üü
B:  Carrot & Kale Hash with 1 poached egg ½ English Muffin and ½ Large banana
S: 1 hard boiled egg with strawberries
L: Mason Jar Salad (Lettuce, spinach, kale, tomatoes, cukes, peppers, onion, turkey breast, balsamic vinaigrette)
S: Protein Shake with coconut water
D: Beef & Barley Soup with 1 crescent roll w/grass fed butter
S: Apple w/PB
W/O: Upper Body Fix
Mods: I liked today's workout and my food today was great! I ate all my snacks (a hard part for me) and I felt awesome. I had good energy, a positive attitude and ended the day feeling great!

Wednesday 2/25/15                                      
Tally: üüüü   üü    üü üü  
üüü    ü ü    üü ü
B: Oatmeal w/ ½ banana
S: Protein Shake w/coconut water
L: Mason Jar Salad (see above) w/1 cheese stick
S: 2 HB eggs with mandarin orange
D: Chicken Breast, couscous, green beans
S: Apple w/ PB
W/O:  Lower Body Fix
Mods: Today was a completely different story for me regarding how I was feeling and my attitude. I had bible study in the morning and that coupled with picking up the little one I babysit from preschool and her PT appointment in the afternoon, I felt rushed and out of sorts all day. I missed my morning snack (had it as soon as I could, but was definitely feeling hungry at that point, sort of threw me off for the rest of the day, I subbed some macaroni and cheese for my salad at lunch.  Oy.
I had a headache start around 2pm and it was very acutely painful. After the girls left  around 4pm (I watch a 4 year old and an 18 month old) I went to lie down on the bed to rest, and ended up falling asleep until about 6. I skipped my workout but got up to eat and walk the dogs. I did feel better once the Tylenol kicked in and I had a chance to rest my eyes.

Thursday 2/26/15
Tally: üüüü   ü   üü üü  
üüü    ü ü    üü üü
B: Egg scramble with kale & peppers, ½ banana
S: Protein shake with coconut water & frozen berries
L: Mason Jar Salad
S: Hummus & Carrot Sticks
D: Pot Roast with potatoes, carrots, Brussel sprouts and beets
S: Apple & PB
W/O: Pilates Fix
Mods: Today's food was yummy and I enjoyed being back on track. I kept up with the food and I was happy to get the workout in. Pilates was fun. I seem to be pretty good at it, although DH isn't quite as flexible, so he had some trouble. I know going forward I'll have to make some more modifications to those exercises. More on that later.

Friday 2/27/15
Tally: üüüü   üü    üü üü  
üüü    ü ü    üü ü
B: Greek yogurt, with granola and strawberries
S: Protein shake, ½ banana & spinach
L: Mason Jar Salad
S: Carrot sticks with hummus
D: Pork Chop w/mashed sweet potato, roasted broccoli & cauliflower
S: Apple & PB
W/O: Cardio Fix
Mods: Today was another good day. I definitely feel like all the "extra" food is good for me. I'm starting to feel hungry in the morning, so breakfast has become a welcome normalcy in my day. I used to prefer to skip it. Now instead of focusing on the coffee pot, I begin breakfast before remembering the coffee. Score!! Cardio isn't my favorite, but this workout is definitely better than Total Body Cardio.

Saturday 2/28/15
Tally: üüüü   üü   üü üü  
üü    ü ü    üü
B: Whole grain waffle, with berries and banana, 1 dippy egg and 2 slices bacon
S: Protein shake with coconut water & kale
L: J: Salad w/Turkey, Herbal tea // A: Beef & Barley Soup,  
S: Carrot sticks & Hummus
D: Beef & Bean Quesadillas, peppers & onions, salsa & sour cream
S: Apple & PB (skipped)
W/O: Dirty 30
Mods: This was by far my favorite workout! We ran errands most of the day, and I got a little forgetful with the time. There is so much food on this plan that I sometimes forget to eat, because I'm not really hungry. I went to my monthly book club tonight and felt guilty having already eaten so was compelled to eat some of the food the hosts had prepared. So, I had some Shepherd's Pie, a blueberry scone and some yummy berries. Not the best, but still learning and getting the hang of this whole plan.
Sunday 3/1/15
üüüü   üü ü   üü üü  
üüü    ü ü    üü üü
B: Oatmeal Bake w/ berries & nuts
S: Protein shake w/coconut water, kale & ground flax seed
L: Egg Fried Rice
S: Yogurt w/pineapple
D: Italian Wedding Soup w/ 1 crescent roll & butter
S: Apple w/ PB
W/O: Yoga Fix
Mods: I enjoy yoga, so this workout was nice. It was pleasant to stretch these sore muscles after a good week of working them out. Food today was on point, but again I wasn't really hungry at meal times. I tried to keep my water intake up and made sure to prepare the meals, even if I wasn't super hungry. Retraining your body to expect food at certain intervals is difficult, but I'm hopeful in time it will be come second nature.

All in all, the week has gone well, I'm down 3 lbs. Water weight, perhaps, but I'll take what I can get.  I've tried to keep track of my steps throughout the day, luckily there is an app on my phone that makes it easier. We've also been walking the dogs most nights (only nights off were Friday and Saturday (due to rain).