
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

On the road to baby H, First Doctor's Visit...

Well, of course this isn't a true FIRST visit for either of us...we are both almost 30 after all. This was our first infertility visit. Just for conversation purposes and to determine our next steps.

We met with our doctor...Dr. Mantione from my ob/gyn office yesterday morning. (My friend Megan sat with the daycare kiddos while we were away. I can't say enough about her...she really is a great friend, and I might not make it through if I didn't have her to rely on. Thanks Megan!) It was my first time meeting with him, and I was very impressed. He was very knowledgeable and kind. He listened to what I had to say as far as my background, asked a few questions and attempted to put us at ease. Aaron was pretty nervous. He might not show it much, but he's as anxious about this process as I am. Of course, he feels that his role is that of supporter rather than active participant...and maybe that's true. I don't know if I really want him to feel like he's an active participant until we achieve pregnancy. It's really stressful this stuff...and at times I don't want him to have to feel this way.
We talked about all the charting I've done, the length of my cycles, our attempts to time intercourse to ovulation and Aaron's deployments. Dr. M. asked a few questions of Aaron that I didn't think about and I relayed some information that was missed on my chart.

Basically, he said that to him it sounded less like a hormonal problem and he'd liek to jump right to testing for structural abnormalities and a semen anaylysis. I was slightly relieved that he didn't want to play around with hormones and start trying things like clomid and other therapies. I know everyone is different and everyone's fertility journey is very personal, but I've heard from friends that they've been on hormone therapy for awhile and all the while they've never been tested for uterine abnormalities, tubal disease, endometreosis or other issues. Some doctors go straight to drugs instead of trying to find the real underlying cause. So, I'm pleased that we've gone this route. Aaron's analysis is scheduled for next week but I have to wait for my test until I start my next cycle, because it is extremely time sensitive and they need to know the EXACT Day 1.
Although it doesn't sound like we're any closer...we have taken the first step toward assisted fertility, and that brings me some measure of relief. To know that we aren't in this alone anymore...makes the wait for my baby a bit more bearable.

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