Today is Thursday, March 6. Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and for Lent (even though I am not Catholic) I have chosen to give up Facebook. Not all of social media, but I am eliminating Facebook from my daily life.
We moved 1500 miles to Florida back in November. It's amazing how much time as passed, it feels like yesterday and so long ago at the same time. We celebrated our first Thanksgiving in the new house, our first Christmas and our first houseguests in January.
I tell you, moving is no joke. It is hard, stressful and painful. It feels exciting and new in the moment, but it truly is one big life change. Added to that is my change from worker bee to homemaker. Both hubby and I are still adjusting to this new dynamic in our relationship. I have to be honest, I can't be certain this is the path for me. I am an introvert by nature and not having the avenue of meeting people through work (either in home or outside of the home) has been devastating. It's a mind game I play with myself, but I really don't find myself all that interesting and therefore can't imagine too many others will either, haha. I have never been one to easily make friends, and truth to tell, I don't know where to start. It is rather intimidating and scary at the same time. And yes, as a 31 year old woman, I understand that is probably very silly and childish.
Some things I have been focused on since moving:
Setting up the house
Buying new furniture
Creating a cleaning and home maintenance routine
Keeping the newly created routine plan
Searching my heart regarding work/school/staying at home
Returning to routine exercise
Good nutrition
Opening my heart to the Lord
Accepting my current place in life and the path God has for me
Beginning steps in our infertility journey here in Florida
Finding a purpose
Meeting new people and making new friends
I haven't decided fully which, how much, or when yet, but I hope to share some more in depth focus on these items in the near future.
It has been a lesson for me, this new life. I miss my friends, I miss my house and yard for the dogs, I greatly missed seeing and experiencing all the snow that happened back home. I still feel like I'm on vacation. It's such a disconnect between what is happening to my friends and family and what I experience here.
I miss my job at the daycare so very much. I miss seeing the little ones grow and learn every day. I miss sharing the daily milestones with my co-teachers and mentors at the center, I miss having an outlet to share my heart, I miss having a daily purpose. Not that keeping a clean and pleasant home for my husband and animals isn't a purpose, but I am not sure it is the only purpose I am called by God to do in my life.