April goals were:
as usual green = accomplished, blue = 50/50 results, red = did not accomplish
sweep & vacuum upstairs daily -- about half the month I did really good, the first half, not so great
get back into daily laundry routine -- counting this as a success since I am now caught up on laundry & able to do one load a day.
one field trip (wih daycare) per week -- twice we had planned trips but chose not to go due to some behavior issues. Twice we planned and did go.
read one book on list
cook/eat at home 6/7 days/nights per week -- proud of myself for this one.
leave a clean sink every night-- I did ok. maybe 4 or 5 nights out of 7
make bed daily
make time for girlfriends
run/workout at least 3 days per week
Now my goals for May are:
continue taking temps & charting
read one book on list
cook/eat at home 6/7 nights per week
clean sink every night
run/workout 3-4 days per week
update daycare website
build entryway system like this one