So...with DH on deployment and no crazy wedding to plan, I thought, "Now I can really get started on organizing my life!" Hopefully, I can try out a few things and implement one to make it work for me so when DH gets home he can just pop himself right in the already smoothly working plan. I have researched and researched all over the web, talked to the best organized people I know, and some not so organized ones: MILs, DH's work friends, Gmas, etc, but haven't really found that one system that really works for me. I have thought a lot about what makes my life so chaotic and disorganized...and therefore where I should focus my change. Here's what I found:
1. Cleaning: I have no idea where to begin...or even what it all entails. Horrible to admit, right??
2. Time Management: I am sooo horrible with this. I complain ALL THE TIME about not having enough hours in the day, but really don't I? I work more hours than most, but I work from home cutting out the commute and I'm here to take care of most if not all of the tasks I need to. I don't have any children yet, so what scares me is when we much worse is it going to be? I have poor motivational skills, but I think that stems from a lack of knowing where to begin.
3. Scheduling & Routine: I have a pretty darn good routine for the kids in my care; everyday is the same and they are happy and healthy and thriving for it. Myself, however, I have no set rest time, no set work time, no set bed time, etc. I take care of myself AFTER everyone else gets done: before DH gets his shower, and now even before the dude who stays downstairs part time! I get up earlier for someone who shouldn't even be my concern! I trash my sleep routine so they can get all the rest they need. I really need to start making it mandatory for my routine to come first instead of being so flexible ALL THE TIME.
4. Meals & Healthy Eating: I work so hard to meal plan and supply the DC kiddos with healthy and nutritious meals...but I completely blank out for DH and myself. I take no time or effort to meal/grocery plan for us and therefore have no idea what to make at 5pm when I'm exhausted and lazy! I also never take the time for myself to eat during the day...I'm too busy getting the kiddos to eat, changed and napped that lunch and/or breakfast just usually don't happen for me.
I think about the way things are now, and I get very overwhelmed and frustrated. Then I think what is going to happen when children come? We don't have the energy, motivation or wherewithall to get it all done now to finish big projects (like the patio outside, basement remodel, and yard and deck maintenance.) Luckily we have decided to give ourselves time to become more financially stable and therefore I have to time to become the home managment executive I wish to be before our own rugrats are thrown into the bunch.
Yesterday I sat down and made a "Home Management Binder." In it I categorized all the areas I wish to be more organized about: Cleaning, scheduling, time managment, meal planning, school, the daycare, socializing, etc. I have researched cleaning methods and routines, seasonal cleaning and emergency preparedness, projects around the house, and meal planning guides. I gather there isn't a "quick and easy" way to get started, but I hope the end result will be everything I hope it to be. It is really scary, overwhelming, and daunting to say the least, but I think I am ready, willing and able to make it happen!
The Front Cover
Planning & Time Management
Schedules: I have made a master daily schedule for myself and for DH. It's not exact by ANY means, but it at least lists out everything that should be happening daily. Because of classes, I have had to make separate ones for Tuesdays and Thursdays and for every other Wednesdays.
Calendar...I have a big wall calendar and a personal school assignment book that I carry with me that I use currently so this is blank. I plan to have 3-6 months worth of calendars here for reference and referral.
This is for menu planning...I'm starting to become more organized with how we eat and how I shop and spend money for ourselves.
This is the place where all of my monthly compuatations are to be going...and the unpaid bills. This is so they are all in one place and I can physically see what we are to be paying out and what should be coming in. This should come in very handy once we refinance and get started on the basement.
Routines: Morning, Mid-day, Evening, Bedtime as well as weekly cleaning.
My monthly focus cleaning schedule
Seasonal Projects/Cleaning
Here's for a list of projects and needed items for around the house.
Example: the drawing of the basement remodel.
Daycare stuff will go here.
Contact list...master list of all friends' & relatives' addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
Our area for our emergency planning guide. This will include the lists of things to keep on hand and where to find them. Also, directions to the house in case we are incapable to give out to emergency personnel. As well as fire, police, hospital, and poison control numbers.
Here is where I can write down things that might be helpful to outsiders, myself or DH.
So that's Home Management Binder for the HME!!! I guess I am really excited to get started with it..although today didn't start out so good!
Wish me luck! My inspiration for this book came from sites such as,, and blogs like: and and various others that I can't remember as of right now :(