Traditional Irish Wedding Blessing
May God go with you and bless you,
May you see your children's children,
May you be poor in misfortune and rich in blessings,
May you know nothing buy happiness from this day forward.
May joy and peace surround you both,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now.
And God Bless you ever more.
May you live your life with trust, and nurture lifelong affection,
May your lifelong dreams come true for you,
Moving ever that direction.
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
the rains fall soft upon your fields.
May the light of friendship guide your paths together,
May the laughter of children grace the halls of your home.
May the joy of living for each other trip a smile from your lips, a twinkle from you eye.
And when eternity beckons,
at the end of the life heaped high with love,
May the good Lord embrace you
with the arms that have nurtured you
the whole length of your joy-filled days.
May the gracious God hold you both in the palm of His hands.
And, today, may the Spirit of Love
Find a dwelling place in your hearts.
Thank you M for reading this at our wedding and to all our friends and family for your love and support! We are so grateful and blessed to have each and everyone of you in our lives. Thank you for sharing this day with us and being apart of our memories of love, friendship, and family!